Land lease benefits to landowners

Landowners receive many benefits when entering into a wind or solar land lease with AES. We work with both landowners and communities to accelerate the positive impact and economic benefits of our clean energy projects. 


New source of revenue

Our rent payments to landowners provide a reliable source of long-term income, complementing the volatility of farming economics. You will receive reliable annual rent payments for the life of the project (typically 20+ years), including any increased property tax payments and roll-back taxes. If you prefer to sell the property, we can also explore this option with you. 

Green farmland from the air.

Upfront payments during property assessment

We financially compensate you as we conduct an analysis of your property and advance the development of the project while you can continue using the land as you do today.

Delta Wind header

Long-term reliable payments, without work on your end

You receive a check while our team handles the maintenance and management of your land used to host the project.

White Clover and Bumblebee (Keystone Project) (Edited)

Land preserved for future generations

At the end of the project’s life, we restore your land to allow a return to farming or other uses consistent with land-use policies at the time.

Mt. Olive

Support sustainability and clean energy in your local community

Committed landowner partners are a key part of determining if a new solar farm or wind farm can be built in the area. Our clean energy projects are safe, quiet, and sustainable, and we are committed to responsibly designing our projects to live in harmony with the existing character of the local community and the project’s environmental surroundings.

Central Line

Partner with a long-term owner operator

AES is a long-term owner-operator, which means over the course of your lease, you will work directly with our AES team. We are invested in being a good neighbor to ensure the long-term success and health of your land.

Land lease process

1. Contact us for a free land assessment

We’ll answer any questions you may have about land leases, what a relationship with AES looks like and set a time to conduct a land assessment.

2. We evaluate your land

There are several factors that inform the suitability of a parcel for a wind or solar project, such as acreage, proximity to a utility interconnection point and zoning.

3. Receive monetary offer

If your land meets the criteria, we’ll send you an offer for the sale or lease of your property. If you accept, AES will handle all the work to develop a new solar or wind farm on your land while you simply receive payments.

Innovative dual-use clean energy projects, developed together with landowners

AES is on the cutting edge in developing innovative, dual-use projects – co-locating clean energy with another agricultural or land use – to increase the environmental, economic and social benefits of our renewable energy projects. Learn about our commitment to sustainability.

Agrivoltaics at Grafton solar project



Agrivoltaic projects like our Grafton solar project simultaneously incorporate solar energy and agricultural production on the same parcel of land by placing crops or livestock underneath or between rows of solar panels. We are working with the DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) and UMass-Amherst to utilize a part of the project as a research site to learn more about the benefits of agrivoltaics and demonstrate how dual-use solar can provide clean power and share space with crops. 

Learn more about the Grafton solar project

Cattle ranching at Chevelon Butte wind farm

Chevelon Butte Still Turbines


The Chevelon Butte wind project is located on private and state land on one of the oldest active cattle ranches in Arizona, further enabling the landowner family and Arizona State Land Department to continue raising livestock and stewarding the land for years to come. 

Learn more about the Chevelon Butte wind project

Enriching soils at Great Cove solar project



We are partnering with our customer the University of Pennsylvania and using part of the project as a research site for soil testing to learn more about how these projects capture carbon in the ground and enhance the land. 

Low-impact construction that follows the natural contours of the landscape is critical to preserving the land. In most agricultural settings, we plan a native and nutrient rich ground seed cover mix to aid in enhancing the soil quality throughout the life of the project.

Learn more

Native pollinators at Elizabethtown solar project

Close Up of Bumblebee on Purple Clover


We installed a native pollinator-friendly ground cover seed mix that blooms for a significant part of the year to provide habitat for native pollinators, such as bumblebees and butterflies, at our 2 MW Elizabethtown solar project. A single honeybee will forage 2-5 miles in each direction, which allows this project to promote 20-100 square miles of pollinator health in a dense farmland region of Pennsylvania.


Wayne Q. Landowner

“They did everything in a professional way and made sure my needs were met. These days you really need a mix of sources to survive in agriculture, and I saw solar as a thing I could to do to steady my income as farming economics changed. This allows you to keep the land in the family and hand it on to your kids and their kids for years to come.” 
Wayne Q., Landowner in Colorado

Jim O. Landowner

“We had to decide if we’d sell the ranch or put up wind turbines. We elected to go with wind. They reclaim the land after they’re through which is great. We can still run cattle. The cattle business is always up and down. Some years you make money, some years you lose it. But the wind power is constant. So it’s a good source of income to pass on to the next generation.”
Jim O., Landowner in Arizona


Our commitment to landowners and communities

At AES, we believe in being a good neighbor, ensuring responsible renewable energy development that benefits both the environment and local communities.

We understand the importance of protecting farmland and preserving the local environment when developing renewable energy projects. AES seeks opportunities to deliver added value through our best practices in project development to protect the land for future generations.

Through land leases, we offer landowners the opportunity to tap into new sources of revenue on their land while retaining ownership throughout the entire life of the project. For many, this is a welcome complement to land use and an opportunity to diversify their land investment while hedging against volatile commodity prices. For others, our projects offer an income stream and land-use option where none otherwise existed. AES can also provide competitive land purchase offers for landowners that would prefer to sell their land, capitalizing on the value of the land today.

AES is actively seeking landowner partners. Connect with us and get your free land assessment.


To lease land for a solar farm, or any type of renewable energy project, is a simple three step process.

  1. Contact AES for a free land assessment.
  2. We evaluate your land.
  3. If your land meets the criteria, we’ll send you a monetary offer for the sale or lease of your property.

If you accept, we’ll enter into a contract, where we utilize your land to develop a new renewable energy project and handle the responsible, sustainable management of your land while you receive long-term lease payments.

The average lease term for a wind or solar land lease is 25-30 years. Lease agreements may also include terms for lease extensions.

Solar lease rates per acre can vary depending on factors like location and project type. Most land leases pay a premium to other land uses. Please complete the Contact Us form and a member of our team will be happy to reach out to you to evaluate your land.

There are several considerations for the type, size, and condition of land needed for leasing land for a solar farm, wind farm, or energy storage project. Please complete the Contact Us form and a member of our team will be happy to reach out to you to evaluate your land.


Solar lease companies can generally be found by searching the web and industry directories for solar project developers in your area. AES is active in nearly all states throughout the US developing wind, solar and battery storage projects.

This map is an overview of our US project capacities, as of April 2024:

AES Renewables Map (April 2024)

AES is evaluating land for projects across the entire US. Please complete the Contact Us form and a member of our team will be happy to reach out to you to evaluate your land.

The AES Corporation is a Fortune 500 global energy company accelerating the future of energy. Together with our many stakeholders, we're improving lives by delivering the greener, smarter energy solutions the world needs. Our diverse workforce is committed to continuous innovation and operational excellence, while partnering with our customers on their strategic energy transitions and continuing to meet their energy needs today. For more information, visit