Project updates

February 2025 

On or about February 10, 2025, Wethersfield Wind issued a 60 day notice of intent to file application.

January 2025 

Community Meeting Boards

This information was presented to attendees at the Wethersfield Wind Community Meeting on January 28, 2025. Review Boards.


Community Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
TIME: 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
LOCATION: Rita George Recreation Hall 3529 E Main St. Bliss, NY 14024
RSVP: Requested, not required

Please join AES for a Community Meeting regarding the Wethersfield Wind Repower Project, a wind energy generation facility producing up to 136 MW of renewable electricity. The Wethersfield Wind Project is in the Town of Wethersfield, Wyoming County, New York. At the Community Meeting, display boards with information about the repowering of the existing facility will be set up around the room. There will not be a formal presentation. Project representatives will be available to provide information and answer questions about:

  • the Wethersfield Wind Repower Project
  • the Article VIII (formerly Section 94-c) permitting process
  • the proposed Spring 2025 siting permit application submittal
  • the availability of local agency account funding including how and when community groups can access available funding.

Community members and all interested stakeholders are invited to drop in between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Light refreshments will be provided. If you need any special accommodation, please contact us using the email address above.


October 24, 2023

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has awarded AES ten wind and solar projects across New York state totaling 1.2 GW of renewable energy generation under a large-scale renewables Request for Proposals (RFP). AES is thrilled to announce that Wethersfield Wind received an award.

This webpage is being updated to reflect the current project status and timeline.


September 27, 2023

The Office of Renewable Energy Siting [ORES] issued the jurisdictional determination that all six Valcour projects, including Wethersfield Wind, must receive a siting permit pursuant to Executive Law 94-c. Click here for the full Declaratory Ruling.

Repowering Update: AES purchased the Valcour Portfolio of wind projects, including Wethersfield Wind, intending to repower them. Originally, AES planned to replace essential components to extend the life of the existing towers — extending the benefits for landowners, the towns, and school districts for up to 30 years following the repower. However, comprehensive engineering and environmental assessments revealed that the wind parks and their beneficiaries will benefit from a more substantial repowering effort than initially anticipated. AES will continue to post information about the repower on this project webpage. 

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or email:

turbine with fall foliage

Wethersfield Wind, located in the Town of Wethersfield and Town of Eagle in Wyoming County, New York, is an existing 126 MW wind park planned to be repowered by AES. This project reduces carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 183,833 metric tons each year, producing enough electricity to power approximately 33,400 homes annually.


Operational since 2009, Wethersfield Wind is a project to which AES is excited to bring new life. The repowering of the wind park will incorporate significant component and control systems replacement with design improvements, resulting in greater energy production and improved energy reliability and availability. Repowering will ensure continued, significant economic benefits to the local community via HCA (Host Community Agreements) and PILOT (Payments in Lieu of Taxes) agreements.

Wethersfield Wind Map

Making a difference in Wyoming County: AES' Social Impact Program.

Since 2022, AES has collaborated with stakeholders in Wyoming County through our dedicated Social Impact Program. With contributions exceeding $100,000.00 we focus on providing an increase in access to safe, efficient, affordable energy and basic services, fostering inclusive economic growth and education, enhancing community resilience, and promoting environmental sustainability.

Partnering for Inclusive Economic Growth & Education

Autism Nature Trail

  • Supported the development of the Autism Nature Trail, creating inclusive spaces for individuals with autism to engage with and learn from nature.

Partnering for the Environment

Friends of Letchworth State Park

  • Funded environmental initiatives within the park, ensuring the preservation and enhancement of this natural treasure.
  • Supported the purchase of an all-electric UTV, promoting sustainable transportation within the park.

Partnering for Community Resilience and Increasing Access to Basic Services

Village of Arcade

  • Helped purchase new village signage to support community health and resilience initiatives, enhancing the well-being of residents.

Eagle Free Library

  • Supported capital improvements and the purchase of new technology to enhance library facilities, providing better access to resources and services for the community.

Peers Together of Wyoming County

  • Covered annual gas expenses for vehicles transporting patients to critical medical appointments, supporting the health and well-being of those in need.

At AES, our role extends beyond providing energy. We are committed to creating vibrant, resilient, and sustainable communities. Our investments in Wyoming County demonstrate our ongoing dedication to social impact and community development. We are proud to partner with local organizations and look forward to continuing our efforts to positively impact the lives of Wyoming County residents.

If you know of an organization in your community that could benefit from AES support, please reach out to us at

Contact us

For any inquiries or comments about Wethersfield Wind please contact us directly at:

  • Project email:

  • Local office phone number: 585-322-7671 

  • Local office address:
    3700 Route 78
    Bliss, NY 14024


New York office hours

Have a question or comment for AES about their work in NY? Give us a call during these hours to talk to a company representative.

  • Every Monday from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM ET
  • Every Thursday from 4:00 PM-6:00 PM ET
  • Call our New York toll-free number at 866-757-7697


New York office address

292 Madison Ave, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10017