Партньорство за околната среда

Ние работим с нашите партньори за разработване на програми, фокусирани върху опазването на биологичното разнообразие и устойчивия живот. Стремим се да служим на нашите общности при най-високите стандарти за високи постижения.

Bison recovery program

AES México implemented a comprehensive reintroduction program of the American bison into their former habitat in Mexico where they are in danger of extinction. The program consists of creating a pure-breed conservation herd in the country, which will help to restore the ecological balance in this habitat bordering Mexico and the United States.

Програма за защита на морски костенурки

Since 2011, AES El Salvador has supported initiatives for the protection of the endangered olive ridley sea turtles. Every year, the team donates thousands of eggs for incubation in corrals, or nesting sites, which are prepared by their team of AES volunteers. Later, project collaborators and families participate in the release of the hatchlings. To date, 270 volunteers from AES El Salvador companies have participated in these activities.

Дървета за Индианаполис и Свободния ден за дърветата на Индианаполис
Skyline of Indianapolis with Tree

Програма "Дървета за Индианаполис", партньорство на IPL, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc. и DPW/Indy Parks, работи за значително увеличаване на насажденията на дървета в Индианаполис.

Reforestation in Brazil
Reforestation - Brazil

Through the Mãos na Mata Program, in partnership with SOS Mata Atlântica, AES Brasil promotes reforestation activities and actions through the establishment of partnerships with other organizations. AES Brasil leverages the management expertise of their environmental technicians and assigns the planting area and seedlings and works together with the program partners to multiply the scale and positive impacts in the recovery areas. 

AES Brasil's nursery at the Promissão hydroelectric power plant produces about 1 million seedlings annually and are used in “Mãos na Mata” compensatory plantations and for seedling donation to locals. In 2019, the reforestation program supported the environmental literacy program of the state government of São Paulo, providing 56,000 seedlings and technical support. In this project, students from the public network visit the surroundings of the reservoirs and participate in environmental education actions, with each student even planting their own seedling.

Рециклирайте с чисти точки

През 2012 г. AES Dominicana разработи екологичната програма „Рециклиране с чисти точки“ от техните местни електроцентрали.

Партньорство за околната среда
Group of People

The Geração+ Program aims to promote students’ creativity and leadership through social and environmental challenges related to natural resources, contributing to the creation of solutions that positively impact communities. The project trains public elementary school teachers to address concepts and values of sustainability in four categories: energy, fauna and flora, waste management and leisure and safety. For each category, participants develop research activities that strengthen reading, writing, artistic expression, observation and critical thinking skills.